
Optimized & Mobile First

We spent countless iterations A/B testing our product to deliver the highest conversion rate for the highest number of leads, with a focus on mobile (60% of visitors).

Designed to perform

Our trade-in widget has been engineered carefully to make sure it delivers the best conversion rate. How does this happen?

We carefully crafted the interface and trade-in steps to be as simple, engaging, and enticing as possible. We worked with our dealer partners to understand which information they really need and cut out everything else. This results in a quick process that takes less than a minute to complete. Your customers are able to receive an accurate trade-in offer while you get their contact information, all with a very low drop-off rate.

We built the best possible user interface to make it quick and easy to use. An example is our vehicle selection step. No need to go through a lengthy process of cumbersome dropdowns selecting a year, then make, then model, and then trim.. We created a Google-like search bar that enables the customer to select their vehicle in a fraction of a second.

Selecting the vehicle is now a matter of seconds

Backed by science

Nothing is left to chance! We track how thousands of customers interact with our product meticulously, collecting all the analytic data we can. We then constantly optimize our product with continuous A/B testing experiments.

What does this mean to our Dealer Partners? We keep changing small things here and there all the time, and show the new version to half our users. The other half still use the previous version. Then, we compare the conversion rate for both groups. After a sufficient amount of data has been collected, we have statistical proof regarding which variant performs the best to get you the highest number of leads.

This way, we know each change we decide to keep is making the overall product better. That's how we converge towards the best possible conversion rate, so you can get the best results.

Mobile First

Did you know that over 60% of your customers are visiting your dealer website from a mobile device? Having an interface that makes it complex to complete the process from a small screen is the worst possible way to hurt your conversion rate. That's why our Widget was designed for mobile first, and then adapted to work great on the desktop as well. See for yourself.

Everything fits perfecty on your customer's mobile screen, without scrolling.

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